practice of real estate law involves a varied and often highly
complex set of activities centering on sales and acquisitions,
title, land use, development, leasing, finance and joint ventures.
today's environment, clients seeking to invest in Real Estate
need a full-service real estate law firm to negotiate, document
and complete all aspects of property transactions.
Naomi & Kilemi Advocates, we have a wealth of experience in
all aspects of land law and property transactions in Kenya and
offer expertise in the following areas:
a) Real estate developments
b) Transfer of land
c) Leases of land and buildings, for residential, commercial,
agricultural or other uses
d) Sub-division and amalgamation of land
e) Change of user of land
f) Caveats and cautions
g) Easements
h) Extension of government leases
i) Advising clients of any developments in the law relating to
j) Powers of attorney
k) Trusts relating to land
l) Wills